Give insight into progression
Actively contact patients that are not within safe activity limits (when digital information tool indicates this)
Facilitate that patient can see his/her progression over several weeks
Facilitate that patient can see his/her progression over several weeks
Facilitate contact with care providers when needed
Facilitate comparison to other patients (e.g. in terms of physical activity).
Care providers should discuss data during consultations.
Provide interpretation or feedback of activity data (e.g. daily step counts)
Provide interpretation or feedback of activity data (e.g. daily step counts)
Use open fill-in fields sparingly | Include weekly checklists for possible arrangements (before surgery) or presence of symptoms or complaints (after surgery)
Include weekly checklists for possible arrangements (before surgery) or presence of symptoms or complaints (after surgery)
Allow for automated storage of physical activity (e.g. step counts)
Allow for tracking of different activities (e.g. cycling, exercises)
Use short questions/ answers (e.g. more box-ticking or indications on scale)
Use short questions/ answers (e.g. more box-ticking or indications on scale) | Provide sufficient room to write down experiences in addition to ticking boxes
Provide sufficient room to write down experiences in addition to ticking boxes
Allow for tracking of different activities (e.g. cycling, exercises)
Use upbeat, positive tone; emphasize positive stories
Use upbeat, positive tone; emphasize positive
Use reassuring tone
Use reassuring tone
Indicate recommendations clearly / use positive, but strict tone (e.g. “walk outside with at least one crutch, or else…”)
Indicate recommendations clearly / use positive, but strict tone (e.g. “walk outside with at least one crutch, or else…”)
Use positive feedback
Use positive feedback
Emphasize affective dimension of care & patient experience
Emphasize affective dimension of care & patient experience
Include simple, straightforward information
Include simple, straightforward information
Example: Frame information as stories of multiple patients, to show different recovery scenarios (e.g. ‘slow’ and ‘fast’ recovery)
Provide information on (ab)normal complaints as a weekly (check)list; or Provide information in a Q&A format
Provide information on (ab)normal complaints as a weekly (check)list, or Provide information in a Q&A format
Provide essential information only
Provide essential information only
Include both generic and specific information (e.g., general statements about pain vs. specific information on pain in certain situations), perhaps in a hierarchy
Include both generic and specific information (e.g., general statements about pain vs. specific information on pain in certain situations), perhaps in a hierarchy
Provide ability to re-examine care provider advice
Provide ability to re-examine care provider advice
Recommendations should be made by someone with medical authority (e.g. surgeon, physical therapist)
Recommendations should be made by someone with medical authority (e.g. surgeon, PT)
Emphasize that information is up-to-date
Emphasize that information is up-to-date
Show a face (of care provider) accompanying information
Emphasis on complaints / symptoms that are ‘normal’ or require contact with care providers
Emphasis on complaints / symptoms that are ‘normal’ or those that require contact with care providers
Include recovery scheme for comparison: ‘Am I on track’ or create insight into progression
Include recovery scheme for comparison: ‘Am I on track’ or create insight into progression
Emphasize (more) that rehabilitation takes time
Emphasize (more) that rehabilitation takes time
Provide specific weekly (practical) suggestions (e.g. putting pillow in-between legs when sleeping)
Provide specific weekly (practical) suggestions (e.g. putting pillow in-between legs when sleeping)
Include information on pain killers / pain management
Include information on pain killers / pain management
Give advice / heads-up about pain (prepare patients for pain experience)
Give advice / heads-up about pain (prepare patients for pain experience)
Include PT recommendations
Include PT recommendations
Include specific recommended activity levels per week
Include specific recommended activity levels per week
Include weekly checklists only
Include weekly checklists only
Emphasize that answering questions is optional (but possibly mention expected benefits of doing so, e.g. as testimonial from a patient)
Emphasize that answering questions is optional
Facilitate that patient can see his/her progression over several weeks
Facilitate that patient can see his/her progression over several weeks
Give insight into progression
Give insight into progression